Welcome Aboard, We are Submarine Sailors of the U.S.N
About Us
We are submarine sailors of the United States Navy. We manned United States submarines during war and peace. We have the oldest warfare specialty devices in the U.S. military: silver and gold dolphins.
Crash Dive Base is associated with United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. (USSVI) and serves the northeast Illinois, southeast Wisconsin area. That’s near the Great Lakes (IL) Naval Station area. We meet the third Saturday of the month at the Knollwood Sportsman’s Club, Rondout, IL (near Lake Bluff). Meetings start at 11:00, and we do break for lunch. For more information on USSVI, visit our ‘membership’ page.
Our Creed
“To Perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.”